Worthy Conversations with Cows
Agriculture is a lifestyle that I committed to when I married my farmer. I had no idea what I was getting into and all of the intricate details it takes to operate a livestock and grain farm. But I quickly fell in love and was determined to learn everything and then educate our critics. Well, life happened. I was overwhelmed trying to raise a family, physically work on the farm, run the office and keep a happy marriage. Something had to give, and it started with my expectations of what I perceived was supposed to be the perfect life on the farm.
My character and mental health had a collision with my heart. I got too wrapped up in what other people thought and let their judgment take over my life. I was forced to do some real soul searching and make some tough decisions. I would ponder my thoughts in the barn and discuss my problems with our cows. It was there I realized I needed to focus on my family, marriage, and farm and put our critics to the back of my mind. The critics still crept around, but I learned to ignore them. My family, farm, and cows came first.
Anyway, I found encouragement in knowing I was not alone in my farm-wife journey and supported neighboring farm-wives and our small country church family. But there were also times; it could be very lonely. This was when I leaned on my family and faith. And of course, the cows and I had many worthy conversations in the barn; it turns out they are good listeners if you scratch their heads. There was no social networking on the web, cell phones, or instantaneous correspondence from your friends. As our former ancestors also discovered, the world and communication have transformed from generation to generation.
Farmer's Social Networking
But today, farmers, their wives, and families have been handed a social outlet, a way to share what it is like to farm, deal with the trials of their critics, and try to educate the public about the food chain. And boy, did they. They put down their shovels, picked up their phones, and started documenting their reality and would be damned if someone tried to stop them. And oh, they have attempted to, but what they didn't expect is that most farmers stand together. It's like the farmer's code: Protect the land, the animals, their rights, and each other fiercely. Most farmers have values that bond them together.
Airing Out My Soul to My Cows
My intention to open up my old barn door (and let you know I talk to cows) is to let other women in agriculture realize they are not alone either. Every one of us will encounter hardships and disappointments that will test the essence of our spirit. But open up your windows, air out your soul, and get back to your family and farm. We are essential in this industry, we have a voice that can be heard, and we must support each other.