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Are Brown Eggs Healthier?

The War Of The Eggs;

Brown vs. White

Whether you purchase your eggs at the store or from a local farmer's market, do you buy brown or white eggs? And why? That's the question, do you know why?

Our farm had chickens roaming around the yard and scratching around the old chicken houses for over 75 years. Chickens are natural on our farm; great-grandpa then grandpa had them, so we kept the tradition. They had them for the eggs, but we have them for the exhibition too! At one time, great-grandpa had an extensive egg delivery route with both brown and white eggs. Now, we only sell eggs to a few locals. Our customers have the choice of brown, white or green eggs. But they are always inclined to choose brown over white. This leads me to give this explanation: All eggs are equal, no matter the color.

So, back to the question. Brown or White eggs? The answer is straightforward.

The Chicken Breed

The breed of the chicken determines what color of an egg is produced. The rule of thumb is: white-feathered chickens with white ear lobes lay white eggs; brown or dark feathered chickens with red earlobes lay brown eggs. Then you have breeds that lay blue, green, or speckled eggs.

Why Are Brown Eggs More Expensive?

There is a misconception that brown eggs are healthier and more natural because they cost more. Not true. Brown egg-laying chickens are a larger, heavier breed than white-laying chicken breeds. Therefore, brown egg-laying breeds cost more money to feed, which trickles down to the price paid by the consumer at the grocery store or farmer's market.

Why Is The Egg Shell Thicker?

The thickness of the eggshell in brown or white eggs is the same. If you notice a difference in the shell, it has to do with the age of the chicken, not the color. Young chickens lay harder shelled eggs, and the older chickens lay thinner shelled eggs. The chicken is sometimes given oyster shells to help strengthen the shells as the chicken ages.

Is The Nutritional Value In Brown Eggs Different?

There is no nutritional difference between brown eggs or white eggs. All colors of eggs are packed with proteins and vitamins that are essential for your body.

Is There A Taste Difference?

It is not the color of the egg that makes the difference in taste; it is where you purchased your eggs. Home-raised eggs taste different than store-bought eggs. Brown or White, Jumbo or Small; the flavor comes from the chicken's feed and the chicken's sunlight while free-ranging (Vitamin D). Home-raised chickens tend to have a richer taste and darker yolk no matter the color of the shell.

My family prefers home-raised chicken eggs of all colors for their rich taste. What is your preference?


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